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- Movie Cleaner Lite - Registration Form
- Version 1.2 - Released 8/96
- To receive your unlock code, go to http://www.terran-int.com or fill out this form completely and fax to (408) 278-9063, or mail to:
- Terran Interactive, Inc.
- Attn: Lite Registration
- 2 North First Street, Suite 215
- San Jose, CA 95113 USA
- You may also email this form to info@terran-int.com
- To order Movie Cleaner Pro, just call (800) 577-3443, (408) 278-9065, or visit our web site.
- Name:
- Company / Organization:
- Title/Position:
- Department:
- Address (line 1):
- Address (line 2):
- City:
- State/Province:
- Zip/Postal Code:
- Country:
- E-Mail Address:
- Phone:
- Fax:
- Where did you get Movie Cleaner Lite?
- In what products are you using compressed video?
- [ ] CD-ROM (games) [ ] CD-ROM (business)
- [ ] CD-ROM (advertising) [ ] CD-ROM (educational)
- [ ] WWW games [ ] WWW business
- [ ] WWW advertising [ ] Kiosk developement
- [ ] Other (please specify)
- On what computers do you plan to compress video?
- [ ] PowerMac 6100 [ ] PowerMac 7100
- [ ] PowerMac 7200 [ ] PowerMac 7500
- [ ] PowerMac 8100 [ ] PowerMac 8500
- [ ] PowerMac 9500 [ ] Quadra 950
- [ ] Quadra 840AV [ ] Quadra 660 AV
- [ ] Other (please specify):
- What video capture hardware are you using?
- [ ] Video Vision [ ] Targa 1000, 2000
- [ ] Media 100 [ ] Telecast
- [ ] AVID [ ] Diamond
- [ ] Miro [ ] Spigot Power AV
- [ ] ATI [ ] Apple AV Card
- [ ] Other (please specify):
- How many computers does your organization use for video compression?
- [ ]
- How many people at your organization work with video compression?
- [ ]
- Which periodicals do you read?
- [ ] MacUser [ ] MacWeek [ ] MacWorld
- [ ] Interactivity [ ] New Media [ ] Wired
- [ ] Multimedia Producer [ ] WebMaster [ ] WebWeek
- [ ] Interactive Week [ ] Internet World [ ] MacTech
- [ ] Other (please specify):
- In what industry do you work?
- [ ] Advertising / Public Relations [ ] Education (K-12)
- [ ] Education (university) [ ] Education (trade)
- [ ] Entertainment (Film/Video) [ ] Entertainment (Other)
- [ ] Finance / Insurance [ ] Government agency
- [ ] Graphics Design [ ] Heath Care
- [ ] Legal [ ] Manufacturing
- [ ] Military [ ] Online service provider
- [ ] Service / Retail [ ] Software Dev. (Games)
- [ ] Software Dev. (Business) [ ] Software Dev. (Education)
- [ ] Software Dev. (Other) [ ] VAR (Computer systems)
- [ ] VAR (Software only) [ ] WWW developer
- [ ] Other (please specify):
- Thank You!